تعليم الأطفال الإسلام بشكل سهل

by Al-Maher App

Books & Reference


It is a book composed of collecting different topics, and the basics of the religion of Islam, which...

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It is a book composed of collecting different topics, and the basics of the religion of Islam, which the Muslim needs to understand, and I designed it in a way that suits it to be taught in institutes, mosques, as well as the Muslim home. It is on the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama`ahThe book contains the following list:1) The Most Beautiful Names of God 112) Origins of Religion 123) Divinity 134) Monotheism 145) Belief in Angels 156) Belief in the Books 167) Belief in the Messengers 178) Muhammad ﷺ 189) the other day 1910) Destiny 2011) Audio 2112) Hadith 2213) Follow 2314) Family and Companions 24Chapter Two Etiquette 271) Etiquette of the mosque 282) Peace Literature 293) Dress etiquette 304) Dining Etiquette 31What is haram and halal food? 33Conditions of legal slaughter? 335) Sleep etiquette 346) The etiquette of waking up from sleep 357) The etiquette of entering the toilet 378) sneezing 38Chapter Three Behavior 411) Speech 43Not backbiting 43Purity of the tongue 44Saying: God willing 452) Not to be angry 46How do I avoid anger? 463) honesty 474) Honoring Parents 48How do I honor my parents 485) Behavior with relatives 49How do I build up my womb? 49Who are the incest? 506) Behavior with the teacher 52How do I behave with my teacher 527) Behavior with common Muslims 53Concern for the affairs of Muslims. 53Not to harm Muslims. 54Non-breaking. 558) Behavior with the elderly 569) Behavior with neighbor 5710) visit patient 58Chapter Four Worship 61Intention 621) ablution 63How to perform ablution 632) Prayer 64prayer times 64How to pray: 65How to pray in detail 66Tashahhud 69Middle Tashahhud 69The last tashahhud 70Delivery 71Remembrance after prayer 72An easy way to calculate tasbeeh by hand 72Friday prayer 73Time: 73How to pray Friday 73Salaries 74Chord 75How is it 75Athan and Iqamah 76The words of the call to prayer are: 76And the words for residence are: 77Monthly prayer tree 783) Zakat 84What is the difference between Zakat and charity? 84zakat 854) Fasting: 86Volunteer fasting 875) Hajj 88Hajj steps 88Explanation of how to perform Hajj 89Chapter Five Interpretation 95Surah Al-Fatihah 96Ayat al-Kursi 99Surah Ad-Duha 101Surah Al-Sharh 104Surah Al-Tin 107Surah Al-Alaq 110Surah Al-Qadr 114Surah Al-Bayinah 116Surah Al-Zalzalah 120Surah Al-Adiyat 122Surah Al-Qariah 125Surah At-Takathur 127Surah Al-Asr 129Surah Al-Hamza 131Surah Al-Fil 133Surah Quraish 135Surah Al-Maun 137Surah Al-Kawthar 139Surah Al-Kafirun 141Surah Al-Nasr 143Surah Al-Masd 145Surah Al-Ikhlas 147Surah Al-Falaq 149Surah An-Nas 151Chapter Six Stories 1551) The man who watered the dog 1562) The maid who keeps the sheep 1573) The leper, the bald and the blind 1594) The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, peace be upon him. 1625) Profit from the sale, Aba Al-Dahdah. 1656) The story of Islam Salman al-Farsi 1677) The Islam of Umm Abu Huraira. 1708) The murder of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab 1739) Islam Abdullah bin Masoud 17710) Conquest of Jerusalem 17911) The Boy and the Wizard 18112) The beginning of creation (1) 18513) The beginning of creation (2) 18814) The story of the owner of the stage 19115) Whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me 19316) The Last One to Enter Heaven 19517) The story of Moses, peace be upon him, with the Prophet Al-Khidr, peace be upon him. 19818) The story of Abraham, peace be upon him, and Hagar 20219) The woman who built the mosque 20520) Al-Israa Wal Miraj. 20721) Pharaohs Daughter Brush 21022) I do not rise above you, O Messenger of God 21223) Gold Jar 214Chapter Seven Memorization 217Juz Amma 218 recitation scheduleThe test in Juz Amma 222Recitation schedule for Juz Tabarak 220The test in Juz Tabarak 222Table of recitation of the names of God 224The students score in the final recitation is 224Table of recitation of hadiths 225The test in the hadith of the Prophet 227Messaging 228Homework 238Authors word 242Index 246